I get so involved in my video creating and photo shop images I totally forget about inserting more of my thoughts and ideas for the day on the blog.
I'm sitting here thinking I need to go move some of my plants from the front yard to the back and check for damages to the landscape and structure from our recent rain storm. But then again it getting close to my soaps coming on and I'm kinda of tired from playing cards since 7am. Oh what's a girl to do got to get on a good schedule so I can fit the fun stuff in and then again get something accomplished everyday. I have been a women of leisure since 2004 after becoming disabled due to heart disease one of the biggest killer of the female population over all the cancers. I was looking at a heart transplant in the early stages but due to medication they were able to rehabilitate it some however due to lack of the ability to do some real exercise and the inability to control my indulgence for food I've gain so much weight and my heart muscle is becoming weaker by the day I'm not even looked at for a transplant procedure. But on a positive I'm still hear today enjoying my family especially my daughter and granddaughter. Keep your happy faces on an wish me luck for the week getting something done.
Posted with Love Marcia